Low-code + Workflow platform
Web and mobile application development in a self-hosted or cloud low-code platform. Get Started Features list
Low-Code Business Process Management platform with open source
Launch 4x faster!
DWKit’s main goal is to help you effectively manage form and business process development time with drag&drop interaction.
In our estimation, using DWKit allows you to shorten your first release cycle fourfold and reduce your project Total Cost of Ownership by 30%.
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Bridging the Gap Between Businesses and Developers
DWKit helps to bridge the gap between businesses and developers so that both sides could reach their end goals smoother and faster. It allows you to model complex business processes and handle complex business scenarios easily, using your current IT infrastructure.
No-code development
Low-code development
Reduce Cycle Time
DWKit allows you to make, test, finish, and launch your applications and models in weeks! Your developers can work together on code and separate their tasks through branches and then combine their efforts in one release.
With Drag&Drop tools and Admin Panel even inexperienced users will be able to modify system interface and behaviour in web-browser. Forms, Processes and Roles are all available in basic UI. It is as simple as making changes to your web-site through Content Management System (CMS).
Ready-made modules
DWKit includes a set of modules to create business applications: FormBuilder, WorkFlow Designer, Data Layer, Security.
No specific skills needed
Your development team do not have to learn new software tools. Basic knowledge of web-applications is enough.
We offer full-time technical support and regularly release updates, upgrades and requested features.
Development in Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider
With DWKit you can modify your project in your favourite IDE (Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider). Unlike many other systems which only allow IDE extensions or their own IDE, you don’t have to install anything to work with DWKit. Just use it like any other project. DWKit allows you to use Debug, Publish, Unit Testing, etc.
Feature-driven development
System stores JSON metadata, which can be imported/exported, allowing you to merge changes from different branches.
Frontend based on React
DWKit has a web-form builder based on React. It supports a set of controls for building neat, yet complex enterprise applications. You can easily integrate your own React-component to DWKit front-end.
Workflow Engine
DWKit has an in-built lightweight workflow engine with an HTML5 designer, that enables you easily add versioned workflows of any complexity to your model.
DWKit allows you to integrate with your IT infrastructure or third-party software via its RESTful API, providing a separate controller for GET, POST and DELETE methods.
Use Cases
DWKit will be your number one choice in a whole number of use cases. For example:
App template
Back office
Mobile application
Project upgrade
A ready-made app template
In-built tools for faster development
Faster time to market
Predictable quality
Fast & easy implementation
100% back office operations support
Ability to create and change forms by power users
Installation on your company’s servers
React Native technology
Ability to create and change mobile forms by power users
Integration API
Installation on your company’s servers
Smooth data migration
Integration API
Step-by-step migration
Modern tech stack
Modern technology stack
DWKit is unique: it is the most technologically advanced and efficient solution of its kind in the market! DWKit system does not have any legacy code, which makes it fast and easy to use.