DWKit in its mobile frontend displays mobile forms which as a rule are created in DWKit admin panel. The approach of working with Mobile forms like Web forms.
How to launch on physical devices
We recommend using our Expo demo stand.
- Install Expo on your device.
- Scan QR code on the Demo page and open the app.
- Set URL in the input.
- The app will connect to your DWKit installation..

How to start
Install tools.
For Android:
- Android Studio:
- ADB: brew cask install android-platform-tools or
- JDK: brew cask install adoptopenjdk/openjdk/adoptopenjdk8 or
- Android emulator:
For iOS, you need to install XCode.
Install dependencies:
Open "mobile" folder and run
script.For macOS/Linux:
pwsh ./install-deps.ps1
pwsh ./install-ios.ps1For Windows:
powershell install-deps.ps1
Run Android:
Open mobile/android in Android Studio and build it.
chmod +x android/gradlew (For Linux/macOS only)
Physical devices:
react-native start
Emulator in Windows:
npm run android
Emulator Linux:
npm run androd-linux
or for Windows:
npm run android
Run iOS (it works for macOS only!):
npm run ios
For some cases you need to clear Android files:
cd android && ./gradlew clean
How to Debug
- Install React Native Debugger:
- Run React Native Debugger and an emulator.
- You need to switch debug mode on for the emulator.
- For iOS press Cmd + D
- For Android in Metro terminal press R.
- In the mobile interface choose Debug. For more information:
How to build iOS package
Open ios
folder in xCode and build the project.
How to build APK (Android)
Place your terminal directory to android using:
cd android
Then run the following command:
For Windows:
gradlew assembleRelease
For Linux and macOS:
./gradlew assembleRelease
Check the APK in -> android/app/build/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk.