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Standard actions of the client app

DWKit comes with a set of predefined client actions. This section describes their parameters and usage examples. You can read more on client actions in the Actions of the client application section.

Actions to work with grids


Opens a window that allows you to edit a new record. The form or business flow that gets opened are specified in grid settings. Usually it is mapped to a button-raised event.

  • name: gridCreate
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: requires to specify a target control; this should be the grid whose records we want to edit. If a call of this action is mapped to a grid event, there is no need to specify the target.


Opens a window that allows you to edit an existing record. The form or business flow that gets opened are specified in grid settings. Usually is it mapped to an event raised by the grid (for example, onRowDblClick) and thus does not require the target to be specified.

  • name: gridEdit
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: requires to specify a target control; this should be the grid whose records we want to edit. If a call of this action is mapped to a grid event, there is no need to specify the target.


Deletes a record from the grid. It is usually mapped to an event raised by a button.

  • name: gridDelete
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: requires to specify a target control; this should be the grid whose records we want to delete. If a call of this action is mapped to a grid event, there is no need to specify the target.


Opens editing window with the selected grid record in copy mode. When saving the record, a new record will be created instead of updating the opened record. The form or business flow that gets opened are specified in grid settings.

  • name: gridCopy
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: requires to specify a target control; this should be the grid whose records we want to copy. If a call of this action is mapped to a grid event, there is no need to specify the target.


Refreshes data in the grid. It is usually mapped to an event raised by a button.

  • name: gridRefresh
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: requires to specify a target control; this should be the grid that we want to refresh. If a call of this action is mapped to a grid event, there is no need to specify the target.


Exports all data in the grid to Excel file. Takes into account the filter and sorting in the grid. It is usually mapped to an event raised by a button.

  • name: gridExport
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: requires to specify a target control; this should be the grid that we want to export. If a call of this action is mapped to a grid event, there is no need to specify the target.


Sets a grid filter but does not initiate filtering. It is usually mapped to any Input whose value is used as a filter value.

  • name: setFilter
  • parameters:
    • column - name of the column to be filtered against
      • optional
      • possible values: column name (without quotes) OR a list of columns separated with , OR *. The * value indicates that the filter is applied to all grid columns simultaneously. This can be applied to like filters
      • default value: *
    • term - sets filtration method
      • optional
      • possible values: =, >, <, >=, <=, like, like*, *like. like - looks for a substring in a string. like* - is a "starts with" condition, *like - is an "ends with" condition.
      • default value: like
  • target: requires to specify the target control; it should be a grid whose records we want to filter.


Filters records in a grid with a filter set with the use of the setFilter action. Usually it is mapped to an event raised by a button.

  • name: applyFilter
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: requires to specify the target control; it should be a grid whose records we want to filter.

You can take a look at an example of filtering in a grid in the FAQ.

Actions to work with forms


Initiates form validation; if the form does not pass validation the action chain is stopped.

  • name: validate
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Saves the data displayed in a form.

  • name: save
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Copies the data displayed in a form. A new form will not be opened, but the data in the original form will be initialized as copied. When saving the record, a new record will be created instead of updating the opened record.

  • name: copy
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Transfers form data to the underlying grid. Does not save data to the server. Used only in modal windows.

  • name: apply
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Deletes the document displayed in a form.

  • name: delete
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Closes the form and redirects to /.

  • name: exit
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Refresh form layout and data pulling it from the server. Refreshes the active form only.

  • name: refresh
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Refresh form layout and data pulling it from the server. Refreshes all currently opened windows (main window + all modal windows).

  • name: reload
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required

Actions to work with workflow


Actions of this section can be mapped only to the Workflow Bar control. See how to bind form and workflow using this component here.


Initiates a workflow command.

  • name: workflowExecuteCommand
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Initiates setting of a new state of a workflow process.

  • name: workflowSetState
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Shows form to pass process parameters in a workflow process. See more information about these forms here.

  • name: workflowShowCommandForm
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Used in workflow command forms for continue execution and pass process parameters in a workflow process.

  • name: workflowContinueExecution
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required


Used in workflow command forms for cancel execution.

  • name: workflowCancelExecution
  • parameters: no parameters
  • target: is not required

Other actions


Redirects to a URL set in the target parameter.

  • name: redirect
  • parameters:
    • target
      • required
      • the value should be a URL redirected to
  • target: not required


Opens a confirmation window with two buttons: "OK" and "Cancel". When pressing "OK" the action chain execution continues. When pressing " Cancel" the action chain stops. The window heading, text, "OK" and "Cancel" buttons text can be modified with the help of parameters. This action can be built into a chain of any other actions and serves to confirm an operation.

  • name: redirect
  • parameters:
    • confirmTitle
      • optional
      • sets localization of the confirmation window heading. The value can be a constant from the msg section of the app localization file
    • confirmText
      • optional
      • sets localization of the confirmation window text. The value can be a constant from the msg section of the app localization file
    • confirmOk
      • optional
      • sets localization of the "OK" button. The value can be a constant from the msg section of the app localization file
    • confirmCancel
      • optional
      • sets localization of the "Cancel" button. The value can be a constant from the msg section of the app localization file
  • target: is not required